Please use the links above to navigate your way through my site! As long as a TCG is listed as "Active" or "Semi Active" then I am accepting trades for that TCG. However, only website-based TCGs will be listed in my on-site trade form as each journal-based TCG that I've joined have their own journal post to leave trades on, which is my preferred method of trading for those types of TCGs.
The first TCG I joined was Colors in 2011 and I've been playing TCGs on and off ever since. I've also owned a few TCGs along the way including Photographs (my very first venture into creating and managing a TCG), Dilly Dally, OnStage, Sakura, and Starlight (all of which are currently closed)! I'm usually working on a side TCG project or two at any given time though because I have too many interests and love having too many things on my plate at once. Read More?

the jennie to my jisoo ♥
rest under construction!