- Please allow at least 7 days for a response to your trade request. Some days I may respond faster but most will take me that long to reply (or even longer, in which case please do remind me).
- If you need a card ASAP then make a note of that in the comments section AND/OR contact me on Discord at namyejun. (period included) just in case I don't receive the trade offer email! I also usually have Cassidy in my display name in any of the TCG servers I'm a member of, if you need to double check you got the right person!
- If you don't see a TCG listed in the dropdown menu below then I'm not accepting trades for that TCG unless it is a journal TCG. If it is then I only accept trades for those on the journal post made for each TCG which you can find linked on the respective trade post!
- Please spell out card names completely! DO NOT type cardname01/02; DO type cardname01, cardname02 or else the form will not send.
- If you have nothing to offer me but really need a card, just put 'card00' in the "Cards You'll Give Me" section and I'll look through your trade pile for something I'd like. If nothing interests me at the moment, I am happy to hold any cards for you!
- If the form doesn't work, feel free to e-mail me at cassidytcg[@]gmail.com or through one of the previously mentioned contact methods above!
TIPS & REMINDERSBefore sending me a trade, please consider the following:
FORM UPDATESSorted from newest to oldest.
TRADE FORMPlease do not put a trade through without my consent! Although I almost never reject a trade, I like to check before approving them for any duplicates, even trade amounts, for other cards I'd want more, etc. If you need something desperately, contact me to ask first (or right after submitting a form)! |